About Syntax of Voynichese

Dr.Vladimir Sazonov, 12.03.2003

we have detected that words, starting with k,t,p,f belong to the different class of words as the words starting with ch,Sh,cPh,cTh,cPh,cFh,e.

The first words in the paragraph are mostly starting with k,t,p,f.

Here is the distribution of end words of paragraphs according to their beginning letters.

From the statistics we see, that the words, starting with ch,Sh,cPh,cTh,cPh,cFh,e and a group of words starting with d stay more commonly at the end of the sentence.


First Letter In the text As  last word
o 22.2 17.9
c 18.4 29.2
q 15.1


s 12.3 9.5
d 9.3 25.2
y 5.0 7.3
a 4.6 1.7
l 3.5 0
k 3.2 3.3
t 2.7 2.2
p 1.5 0
r 1.2 0

So, we can make the following assumption about syntax groups of the words in Voynichese.

See also Analysis of word dependency - the next statistical research.