More about qo- and o- prefixes

Dr. Vladimir Sazonov, 10.3.2003


Here I refer to the article On the structure of the labels and the function of the character <q>  by Gabriel Landini 8 March, 2003

You see the statistics of the most common qo-words and corresponding o-words and corresponding words without o- or qo- preffixes.

The distribution is very different dependent on the starting letters of the root.

If the root starts with "Hard core" k-, t-, p- and f-, we can see the following distribution:

If the root starts with "Mantel" ch-, Sh-, e- and also c, cTh-, cKh-, cFh-, cPh-,  we can see the following distribution:


1.  qo-  and o- are surely prefixes.
2.   The roots starting with "Hard core" k-, t-, p- and f- belong to a different grammatical category, not the same as the roots starting with "Mantel" ch-, Sh-, e- and  cTh-, cKh-, cFh-, cPh-

Read also my next article About Syntax of Voynichese  

and Effects of line context and prefix qo upon contextual deviation of Voynich ‘words’ by Akinori Ito

Roots starting with "Hard core" k-, t-, p- and f-

Word Cases OWord OCases Root RCases
qokeey 292 okeey 148 keey 39
qokeedy 284 okeedy 94 keedy 45
qokain 258 okain 131 kain 39
qokedy 250 okedy 105 kedy 41
qokaiin 246 okaiin 196 kaiin 60
qokal 175 okal 118 kal 21
qokar 137 okar 113 kar 48
qoky 126 oky 79 ky 20
qokey 102 okey 54 key 12
qokol 97 okol 69 kol 34
qotedy 86 otedy 138 tedy 39
qoty 73 oty 89 ty 16
qotaiin 67 otaiin 129 taiin 38
qoteedy 66 oteedy 78 teedy 10
qokchy 65 okchy 28 kchy 27
qotchy 62 otchy 40 tchy 21
qotar 54 otar 114 tar 37
qotal 54 otal 121 tal 18
qokchdy 53 okchdy 17 kchdy 16
qotain 51 otain 83 tain 13
qotol 45 otol 68 tol 45
qokeol 44 okeol 59 keol 20
qoteey 41 oteey 112 teey 14
qokchedy 35 okchedy 24 kchedy 20
qokor 35 okor 32 kor 25
qokeody 30 okeody 32 keody 19
qokchey 27 okchey 31 kchey 21
qopchedy 27 opchedy 41 pchedy 32
qotor 27 otor 31 tor 23
qokeeey 25 okeeey 25 keeey 11
qokeeo 23 okeeo 11 keeo 9
qokeed 22 okeed 4 keed 1
qotey 21 otey 43 tey 8
qok 21 ok 15 k 8
qotchedy 20 otchedy 26 tchedy 32
qokeor 20 okeor 20 keor 7
qotchdy 20 otchdy 21 tchdy 13
qokchol 18 okchol 12 kchol 19
qotchey 18 otchey 28 tchey 20
qokair 17 okair 20 kair 10
qot 16 ot 30 t 7
qopchdy 14 opchdy 14 pchdy 9
qokaly 14 okaly 18 kaly 2
qotchor 14 otchor 15 tchor 18
qotchol 13 otchol 24 tchol 11
qokam 13 okam 18 kam 8
qokeeody 12 okeeody 11 keeody 7
qoka 12 oka 16 ka 4
qoteody 12 oteody 25 teody 7
qotcho 11 otcho 9 tcho 8
qoko 11 oko 8 ko 4
qokShedy 11 okShedy 3 kShedy 6
qopchy 11 opchy 9 pchy 2
qokechy 10 okechy 6 kechy 4
qokeeor 10 okeeor 8 keeor 7
qopchey 10 opchey 25 pchey 10
qokeeol 10 okeeol 16 keeol 11
qokchor 10 okchor 17 kchor 20
qokcho 10 okcho 9 kcho 5
qokShy 10 okShy 9 kShy 5
qoked 9 oked 3 ked 2
qokody 8 okody 12 kody 5
qokl 8

qokeo 8 okeo 12 keo 4
qotody 8 otody 11 tody 5
qokedar 8 okedar 4 kedar 2
qokan 8 okan 5 kan 2
qoteol 8 oteol 35 teol 14
qop 7 op 7

qokShey 7 okShey 9 kShey 6
qokees 7 okees 10

qokaldy 7 okaldy 7 kaldy 3
qofchedy 7 ofchedy 7 fchedy 10
qopol 6 opol 3

qokeod 6 okeod 6

qokoiin 6 okoiin 9 koiin 5
qoteo 6 oteo 10 teo 2
qopchol 6 opchol 5 pchol 8
qokear 6 okear 5

qokod 5 okod 2 kod 1
qoteeol 5 oteeol 9 teeol 4
qotam 5 otam 28 tam 5
qoteeody 5 oteeody 6 teeody 4
qoteor 5 oteor 11 teor 4
qokchd 5 okchd 6 kchd 1
qoted 5 oted 2 ted 2
qotShy 5 otShy 4 tShy 5
qokai 5 okai 5 kai 1
qoke 5 oke 6 ke 3
qokee 5 okee 2

qokeeedy 5 okeeedy 9 keeedy 3
qokeechy 5 okeechy 1 keechy 3
qopaiin 5 opaiin 11

qokeos 5 okeos 9 keos 1


Roots starting with "Mantel" ch-, Sh-, e-
 and also c, cTh-, cKh-, cFh-, cPh-

Root RCases OWord OCases QWord QCases
chedy 429 ochedy 8 qochedy 1
Shedy 396 oShedy 3 qoShedy 1
chol 365 ochol 5 qochol 2
chey 304 ochey 7 qochey 6
Shey 256 oShey 6

chor 196 ochor 6

Shol 169 oShol 1

cheey 155 ocheey 3 qocheey 2
cheol 151 ocheol 1 qocheol 1
Sheey 134 oSheey 2

chdy 127 ochdy 1

chy 123 ochy 4 qochy 2
Sho 112 oSho 1

Sheol 110 oSheol 1

cThy 102 ocThy 8 qocThy 7
Shor 92 oShor 2

cheor 85 ocheor 1 qocheor 1
chody 82 ochody 2

Sheedy 80 oSheedy 1

char 64 ochar 2 qochar 1
cheky 57 ocheky 1 qocheky 1
cThol 57 ocThol 1 qocThol 2
cho 56 ocho 2 qocho 2
cheedy 51 ocheedy 1

chal 45 ochal 1

Sheo 42 oSheo 1 qoSheo 1
cThor 42 ocThor 1

chaiin 41 ochaiin 1 qochaiin 1
cThey 39 ocThey 6 qocThey 5
cKhy 35 ocKhy 10 qocKhy 18
cheos 31 ocheos 2

cKhey 31 ocKhey 7 qocKhey 16
ches 31 oches 1

chos 30 ochos 1

Sh 29 oSh 1

c 28 oc 2

chedar 25 ochedar 1

cheeky 22 ocheeky 1

cKhol 21 ocKhol 1 qocKhol 7
Shaiin 20 oShaiin 1

chocKhy 18 ochocKhy 1

cThody 17 ocThody 2 qocThody 1
chs 14 ochs 1

cTho 14 ocTho 1 qocTho 1
choly 13 ocholy 1

Sheeky 13 oSheeky 1

cPhy 13 ocPhy 2 qocPhy 2
chedain 13 ochedain 1 qochedain 1
chory 10 ochory 1

cTheol 10 ocTheol 2 qocTheol 1
chokeey 10 ochokeey 1

cThedy 9 ocThedy 2 qocThedy 3
Sheeo 8 oSheeo 1

cheodaiin 8 ocheodaiin 1

cPhedy 7 ocPhedy 1

cThal 7 ocThal 1

choldy 6 ocholdy 1

choaiin 6 ochoaiin 1

cThdy 6 ocThdy 2 qocThdy 1
cPhey 5 ocPhey 1 qocPhey 1
cKheody 5 ocKheody 1

cTheody 5 ocTheody 1 qocTheody 1
cKhhy 5 ocKhhy 1 qocKhhy 1